To change and duplicate Theme/Script, follow the steps given below:

  1. Login to your Enthu.AI account.

  2. From the navigation menu in the left pane, please click on the ‘Manage’ option and a drop-down menu will appear.

  3. Click on the ‘Themes’ option on the drop-down menu.

  4. You will be redirected to the 'Call Theme Manager' page. Select the Theme in which you want make changes.

  5. Click on 'Edit' button to edit the theme.

  6. A pop-up will apper, fill in all the deatils that needs to be changed (theme name, team) snd click on 'Update a Theme' button. 

  7. To duplicate a theme click on 'Create a Copy' button. 

Hence the required changes will be seen.

Check out this detailed video on how to edit and duplicate a Theme/Script: