You can view a brief summary of the calls within Enthu.AI.

The objective of this functionality is to understand what transpired in a conversation, without the need to listen to the entire call.

- All conversations with duration greater than 3 mins are automatically summarized.

- Conversations whose summary gets generated get marked with a Summary tag.

- If the Summary tag is not present against a specific conversation, Enthu couldn't generate a summary for it.

- It takes some time for the system to generate and display the Summary. It doesn't come instantly with the other call analysis data.

- Only the calls in English language get summarized. This feature is not available for other languages that Enthu supports.

Enthu.AI auto generates call summaries and shows them under the following tabs

A. Under 'Call Analysis' Screen

You see a short summary in the Call Analysis screen.

B. Under final 'Call Review' Screen 

Enthu.AI generates 3 types of summaries that you can view as shown below:- 

Check out this detailed video on viewing conversation summary:


Here's what the difference is between the 3 types of summaries.

  • Short Summary: A quick overview of the conversation in 2 sentences.

  • Medium Summary: An overview of the conversation in 3-4 sentences.

  • Elaborate Summary: A detailed summary in 5-7 sentences.