Moments are the events of the script that should/shouldn’t happen during a call/conversation. These moments have keywords that are identified by Enthu.AI when an Agent is on call. These moments can be edited according to your convenience.

To change or add moments, follow the steps given below:

  1. Login to your Enthu.AI account.

  2. From the navigation menu in the left pane, please click on the ‘Manage’ option and a drop-down menu will appear.

  3. Click on the ‘Themes’ option on the drop-down menu.

  4. You will be redirected to the 'Call Theme Manager' page. Select the Theme in which you want to add to the Moment.

  5. Click on the "Create a Moment" button to add the new moment. A pop-up will appear.

  6. Fill in the details and click on the "Create Moment" button and the new moment will be added.

Check out this detailed video of creating a new moments in Enthu.AI?

 Important Notes

  • In order to refine the results use "Mark Achieved only when" functionality.
  • You can edit moments, to know more Click here: